Terry Rozier & Perry Dozier as Celtics - name-confusion will abound

The young guy that completely filled the Celtics roster (as a 2-way player) is called P. J. Dozier, but we will call him Perry just for confusion's sake. When P. J. travels from the Maine Red Claws to the Boston Celtics, we will have Perry Dozier and Terry Rozier on the roster.

And to confuse things even more, Perry's uncle, Terry Dozier, played briefly in the NBA. Dozier - Rozier - Dozier. Terry - Perry - Terry. We might have T-Ro, P-Do and T-Do (if the uncle shows up) in TD Garden all at once.

If P.J. and Scary Terry end up on the court together, announcers will probably come up with flighty ideas like the Ro-Do-Zier tandem. Tommy Heinsohn is going to get confused at some point. Count on it.

Follow Tom at @TomLaneHC and NNELTFC.blogspot.com

Photo via Winslow Townson/USA TODAY Sports Images