Doc Rivers says Stern's fine on the Spurs won't prevent coaches from sitting players

 David Stern fined the San Antonio Spurs $250,000 for sitting their star players during a nationally televised game with the Miami Heat on Sunday night. Celtics coach Doc Rivers responded to the fine by saying it "was probably overdone" and he doesn't plan on forcing his players to get on the court when they need rest for fear of a fine.


Celtics coach Doc Rivers criticized the NBA's fine against the San Antonio Spurs after they kept four top players out of a game.

He said Friday he didn't think the $250,000 fine announced by Commissioner David Stern would stop coaches from sitting players...

"I do get the other side, but it's a tough one," he said. "You've got to coach your team to win in the long run and you have to do whatever you need to do. If that's sitting players, you sit players."

But Rivers said he didn't think the punishment would influence coaches to use players if they don't want to play them.

"Whatever is going to help your team win, a coach is going to do," he said, "because if you don't and it hurts your team then you're the one that won't be around."

So he won't avoid sitting players out because the Spurs were fined.

"We'll do it when we want to do it, and we should be able to do it," Rivers said. "It could be early in the season, the end of the season."

I'm glad that Doc is sticking to what he believes is right for his players and won't be swayed by the league inflicting ridiculous penalties.