Video: Shirtless Rondo & Sully work on 2 man game in practice

Glad to see Rondo working with the Celtics 20 year old rookie starting power forward. The quicker Sully gets the Celtics offense the quicker this team will take off. In the below video Avery Bradley works on his range.

Rondo, Sully and AB represent the team's future. They are also the 3 guys that teams will ask for in a trade. So unless your willing to part with a couple of them you should probably get ideas of guys like Josh Smith out of your head. With the exception of KG and Pierce, no one else on the roster really has positive trade value. So in my honest opinion the best way for the team to improve is for them to improve from within. Get more out of guys like Green, Lee, and Terry and try to fast track the development of Bradley and Sullinger.

Videos courtesy of WEEI's Mike Petraglia.