Celtics owners celebrate 10-year anniversary of owning the team

CSNNE's A. Sherrod Blakely sat down with Boston's owners Wyc Grousbeck and Steve Pagliuca to discuss their 10 years of owning the team dating back to when they named their investment group "Banner 17, LLC."
"We're going to win Banner 17 or I'm going to die trying," Grousbeck recalled saying. "That basically sums it up."
Personally I didn't know what to expect when Wyc took over. Was he going to spend the money needed to win? 10 years later I can say I don't have any complaints on how the C's owners have run the team. They're at all the games and continue to spend what they need to to be competitive. Would it be nice to have an owner with a bottomless stash of money like Cuban? Sure. But these guys are like kraft with the Patriots. They're at all the games and place a priority on the team. You have to be happy with that. They're not trying to globalize their empire by purchasing soccer teams overseas and bragging about fake sellout streaks, while their team tanks like the Red Sox owners. The Celtics have been doing it right for several years now. Some of the credit has to go to the men up top.
You can read Blakely's full column on CSNNE.com.