New look to the site (Phase 2)
So here's where I'd like to give you an opportunity to chime in with some things you like or would like to see on the site. Since Celtics Life has always been an independent blog since its inception back in 2009, you as the reader, visitor, commenter, follower, etc can actually make a request and we might be able to honor it. There are a lot of obstacles that come with running a website that isn't owned by some big time media company, but I hope you also like the fact that we aren't like all the other Celtics blogs.
Anyway, I'll put out a survey where you can complain about any changes in due time, but I'd like to see this comment thread be positive. Tell us what you like. Tell us what you want. Things like, "Hey was thinking it would be really cool if you guys added a ______"
Some topics off the top of my head...
1. The "new" template that didn’t work properly had an option to leave messages via an embedded facebook section in addition to Disqus. Is that something you thought was useful or was it more confusing?
2. With the responsive format, I've had a hard time figuring out a way to have a cool old school header (like the one pictured above). I know no one has those anymore, but I also know our loyal Celtics Lifers have known nothing but having a cool header (most designed by my man EK), so is it something I should continue pursuing? Or are you fine with how the header looks as is, and just let the content being what grips the eye?
3. What are your thoughts on the "Section 15" at the top of the page? Couldn’t figure out what to call it. Then thought a number would take up the least space and finally the idea of honoring Tom came to mind. What should we put in it? Or is the whole extra side menu gimmicking and should it be removed?
4. I'm not a graphics guy or a website html guy, so if you see any issues with spacing, feel free to say something. Should any font-sizes be smaller or larger?
5. Also one of the main issues with the old template was the dreaded black background on comments on some posts via Chrome. I've tried to look at the site via safari, chrome, and Firefox, and they all look the same to me, but are there any issues on your browser of choice? and piggybacking on that, I've focused mainly on desktop and mobile phone viewing. Is there anything coming up glitchy on tablets?
Lastly I'd like to thank DH and EK who've helped me with this transition as well as the wonderful new staff of writers who've manned (or "woman-ed" lol) the ship the past few weeks. We are in the process of looking for a new content coordinator (We've only had two in 11 years!), so once we get that done, you should see a lot more content on the site.
2020 was a very challenging year for the site as it was for many small "mom & pop" businesses. And it was also a challenging one for me personally family wise as this illness discriminates against our older family members. But with that said, it was nice to always have this community to talk Celtics with and I didn't just close up shop and leave the site a ghost town, but instead we kept things running as best as we could and I'm excited to see a bounce back in 2021.
So let me know some ideas of what you want and if you'd rather not share in the comments section, feel free to email me via the snazzy contact form at the bottom. lol. Thank you for your time, your patronage, and loyalty to Celtics Life all these year.