Surgeons weigh in on Rondo's recovery from torn ACL
Orthopedists weigh in on Rajon Rondo's recovery from ACL reconstruction surgery.
In a statement from an L.A. based out-patient surgery center, doctors who perform the same surgery Rondo is expected to go through talk about what he can expect and how long his recovery should take.
ACL reconstruction involves replacing the torn ACL with a graft, either from a tendon in another part of the leg or from a donor. After removing scar tissue that has formed from the ACL tear, the graft is fixed to bones in the knee joint with screws. At La Peer Health Systems, ACL reconstruction is performed arthroscopically as an outpatient procedure. Patients go home the same day of surgery.
Physical rehabilitation typically begins the day after ACL reconstructive surgery. The rehabilitation program aims to manage swelling, develop muscle control, and restore strength and range-of-motion in the knee. Full recovery from ACL surgery can take from 9-12 months, depending on the level of activity desired by the patient.”
The statement goes on to say significant progress has been made in ACL reconstruction and surgeries have a 95 percent success rate.
Still, much of the success of ACL reconstructive surgery depends on the patient's dedication to rigorous physical therapy.”
While Rondo's effort on the court night in and night out has been questioned, no one should doubt that Rondo will work his ass off to get back to 100 percent. I would not be at all shocked if Rondo came back earlier than nine months. The surgery has yet to be scheduled and A. Sherrod Blakely reported last night that Rondo partially tore his ACL. For Danny Ainge, partial or full tear makes no difference to him.
Just talked to Danny Ainge regarding @sherrodbcsn report Rondo has partial ACL tear. Ainge says doesn'tchange timetable #CelticsTalk
— Kyle Draper (@kylerdraper) February 8, 2013
Con't.... Ainge says Rondo will not play this season #CelticsTalk
— Kyle Draper (@kylerdraper) February 8, 2013
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