Paul Pierce offers to call your Valentine
Paul Pierce is just awesome at life. Not only is the guy one of the greatest Celtics of all time, but now he is also helping out his fellow Celtic fans in the love department. "Pierce tweeted his gift suggestion, a “Celeb Call” from none other than himself."
Valentines Day is an awkward holiday. Guys feel a lot of pressure to go all out because those are the expectations that have been set by the world/Hallmark. Girls probably worry about there man screwing up, or that the gift they receivereflects how their man feels(it doesn't we just are clueless).
The reality is, it is what happens between Valentines Day and Christmas that really shows a true "good" relationship. What you give a girl on a random Wednesday in July means more than a Christmas or Valentines Day gift. Not that I'm an expert or anything, but I do watch a lot of Romance movies.
So, would you want Pierce to call your Valentine? What would you want him to say to him/her? My ideal Valentines Day date will be answered on Karl on the Kayak this weekend. The only thing I know is that I will be watching Love Actually tomorrow in my Celtics snuggy. Love rocks.
Follow me on Twitter: @Karl_Dillinger
Karl on the Kayak is back Saturday: Email Questions to
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Valentines Day is an awkward holiday. Guys feel a lot of pressure to go all out because those are the expectations that have been set by the world/Hallmark. Girls probably worry about there man screwing up, or that the gift they receivereflects how their man feels(it doesn't we just are clueless).
The reality is, it is what happens between Valentines Day and Christmas that really shows a true "good" relationship. What you give a girl on a random Wednesday in July means more than a Christmas or Valentines Day gift. Not that I'm an expert or anything, but I do watch a lot of Romance movies.
So, would you want Pierce to call your Valentine? What would you want him to say to him/her? My ideal Valentines Day date will be answered on Karl on the Kayak this weekend. The only thing I know is that I will be watching Love Actually tomorrow in my Celtics snuggy. Love rocks.
Follow me on Twitter: @Karl_Dillinger
Karl on the Kayak is back Saturday: Email Questions to
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