Celtics win third in a row after losing Sullinger
Some of the Celtics have voiced their opinion on how Doc's new philosophy is a welcome change from one person pounding the ball for 4 or 5 seconds. That way they get to play the same kind of mindless AAU inspired brand of basketball as the Miami Heat. The only difference between the two is that the Heat have a dynamic player in LeBron James and Paul Pierce can no longer play at a high-level for 48 minutes.
It hasn't been easy with nine new players with the public declaration of this being Rajon Rondo's team. Paul Pierce especially has had a hard time adjusting and it showed in how the team played with Rondo. Though he said the right things about Rondo being the de facto leader. You could tell that he was not a willing participant in the Rondo experiment. Now that he has to be more of a facilitator he has become a happier player and the team chemistry is better for it.
Tonight they ran roughshod over the Orlando Magic, and so they should; because the Magic is gone in Orlando. Pierce had a double-double, and Jeff Green is becoming a steady force of the bench. Brandon Bass is playing like it was 2012 all over again and we are finally seeing the talent that Danny Ainge brought to the team perform.
The unfortunate part to all of this is that new found understanding of what Doc wants them to do, is the fact that the Celtics future of Rondo and Sullinger are done for the season. Anything they do from now on will not absolve them from the debacle of a role they played in the first half of the season, unless they make it to the Eastern Conference Finals.