KG takes a shot at Comcast in (another) amazing postgame interview

"You can't speed chemistry up. The more you practice, the more you get familiar with each other. There's no hit the fast forward button here. You got Comcast. Some shows you can't fast forward through, you got to let it go through and watch the silly-ass commercials and be pissed, right? This is what this is. Did I just take a shot at Comcast? Fuck it, I did. So what. I'm a Direct-TV guy anyway. Anyway look, this is what this. I'm not helping myself am I? Fuck it, anyway that's what's this is. We totally messed that up, right? But this is one them things where it just takes its course and you can't speed anything up. Next question. Please."
Ray Allen was lucky he didn't get the Comcast treatment from KG last Tuesday. When you look up the definition of "keeping it real" (wherever you would look that up) you see a picture of KG. Direct-Tv should hire KG as a pitch man.
Credit to one of our twitter followers Dave Barnick for the tip.