If you aren't following Big Baby Davis on Twitter, you are really missing out. He may be bored or he may just have a screw loose, but he is having fun. First there was the Dougie video. Next he started lip lip syncing to a couple of songs. He has also taken a group of his followers out to dinner with him and his mom. Last night he was setting up a movie date with his followers and offering to take 10 followers to the movies. He has also been giving out some dating advice. Check out some of his recent tweets.
If a girl farts on the 1st date ! While your watching a movie she a keeper!!! Dead ass!!That's a good sign !! Believe the baby
Oh and some ladies be trying to be sneaky , when they fart! !! I don't like that type of stuff!!! Cause I need to know who poo-dit
Ladies all y'all got to do is admit that you farted!! You now what I'm talking about!! Just raise your hand and say baby I did it ,
Fellas! Take your girl to a buffet! If she eats more then one plate!Then after she eats she unbuttons her pants and hides it with her tshirtShe a keeper!!!
If your girl can put make up on and texts and eat her breakfast at the same time !!! She a keeper!! Believe the baby!!! Ago baby
If your girl rubes your feet !! And your toe nails are brown!! Plus you got corns and bunions!!! She a keeper!! Believe the baby
I like some girls with long fake hair!! It's cool; but when it gets In a bros food ! You got to be more careful! Ayo baby! Believe the baby!
!! For the fellas !! Don't get caught in the first dateWith no socks on!! That's not playa!! Then when she ask you do you have socks on ? You lie and say yeah I got ankle socks on!! Now dam well You don't !!!
Training camp better get here soon because if Big Baby gets any more bizarre they are going to come and take him away. Somehow, I think I'd feel better if he was posting pictures of him working out and in the gym getting ready for the season. But he's having fun and it's fun following him! Speaking of being in the gym and getting ready for the season, here is a video posted on Twitter yesterday of Von Wafer getting some shooting practice in. This man can shoot!