Celtics will be Sleeping in
Today's Globe has a little more on the Celtics changing their routine to allow players to get up later.
Seems like a win win for everyone. More rested Celtics will provide better performance, while the players (minus KG) love the idea of having to report to work later in the day. Eddie House:
Sleeping in is in.
Coach Doc Rivers made the switch after weighing the advice of sleep medicine specialist Dr. Charles A. Czeisler of Harvard Medical School and Brigham & Women’s Hospital.
“Later practice is all right, whatever Doc wants, man,’’ Garnett said after practice yesterday afternoon. “Ain’t my cup of tea. I don’t sleep anyway. It’s good, you’ve got to find good in everything, if that means sleep till 8:30 or 9, so be it.’’
One worry: If players don't have to get up until later, will they now stay out later? Most of the Celtics off the court troubles recently have come late at night, so let's hope not. Personally I think no one should have to wake up early in the morning. All jobs should start at 10 in my opinion.
“I love it,’’ guard Eddie House said. “A lot of guys, we don’t go to sleep until late anyway, that’s how our bodies are conditioned. Later practices are perfect, we get more sleep, have more energy. We get our rest, no matter what time we go to sleep.
“They did studies, showed the numbers. They say you need eight hours, so if you get six and a two-hour nap - as long as you get eight hours in, it’s good, however you get it.
“We were getting four or five hours sleep. Now, I think everyone is energized, everyone comes to practice ready to go. You don’t have guys dragging because they are a little tired, no matter what they did the night before.’’