Green Envy: What Hornets fans said - 1/30/19
Last night's matchup between the Charlotte Hornets and the Boston Celtics started off interesting enough, with the two teams separated by just 4 points heading into halftime...and then the 3rd quarter happened. The Celtics went on a rampage of superior play on both ends of the floor which culminated in a 32-point victory. If you read the comments carefully, you can pinpoint the moment when Hornets fans hearts were ripped in half.
Top Three:
Hornets motto: it could've been worse.
This is biased coming from a UNC fan but Jayson Tatum looks like a store mannequin
LOL I expected to lose but not like this....
That’s one of the magic things about Hornets fandom, constantly pushing the boundaries of our already low expectations by finding creative new ways to lose.
Deep Thoughts and Perspective:
I have lived in Charlotte for 26 years. I have watched us be mediocre, watched us stop existing, watched us start existing again in the form of the atrocious Bobcats, watched us finally return to being the Hornets and pick up being mediocre once again. Tonight, I will watch us be mediocre, and then next week I'll watch us be mediocre and 10 years from now I'll watch us be mediocre, and then one day I'll die. Buzz Buzz.
Full Slate:
This one may come down to whether or not Kyrie plays and which Kemba shows up. It would be a big road win but I won't get my hopes up
We've beaten them before. Let's do it again. Spank them Leprauchauns!
We usually get spanked in Boston so not expecting anything here
Beat these bums and then take care of the tanking griz and bulls. Boom, 4 game win streak and 2 games above 500. Wont happen but please surprise me
Really the only intrigue here is whether this will be a "down by 22 at the half"-type blowout or a crushing 7 points in the 4th quarter defeat
This is the type of game Kemba should put up 40 and will us to a victory
If Kyrie isnt playing we might have a shot at winning
Don't forget Terry Rozier exists
Smart of smart to flop 10 feet back when lamb does his little pushoff move
Carmelo Kidd-Gilchrist?
Willy's defense makes me wish I was blind sometimes
This is the worst I’ve ever seen a center play. I swear to god.
It kills me that monk has one bad defensive quarter and he gets sat for like 2 games. Willy has a bad defensive first half of the season and gets more PT. I don’t get it.
Kemba is good pissedddddd in a good way
Kemba walker stole my girl the same exact way...
Help us Kemba-Wan Kemobi, you’re our only hope!
Bad first quarter, solid second quarter. We need to put frank in and give him a shot, some defensive presence in the paint would be chill
Real scary terry hours
I always forget how young cody is because of how his hairline looks
Kemba gets punched in the face
Did Kemba just break Smart’s ankles, or was he just flopping?
Kemba’s lookin like daddy rn
These refs are crooked. We’re half way through the 3rd and the TEAM has taken ZERO free throws. Kemba should have at least 3 trips to the line so far.
So are we gonna get Kemba some help or nah
Welp, this is getting ugly
Well.... it was fun while it lasted
Willy with a backcourt turnover and then gets rebounded by fucking gordon hayward
And then he doesn't sprint back in transition and gives up a wide open dunk
Willy officially sucks
Are we just giving up now?
The kids at half time played more exciting ball that this
I turned this off at half to go to work. What the fuck happened.
So uh I missed the 3rd quarter...
momentum slowed and then came to a screeching halt because the refs like to eat shit and shove crayons up their nose in their spare time.
Remember when Thanos taketh, he also giveth
I think he snapped his finger and left only half our team.
Kemba “Mr. Jordan, I don’t feel so good”
At least the heat are down 10 I suppose
Damn even our garbage time guys suck ass
I hate the city of Boston as a whole. Hope the pats get beat by 40 on Sunday. Yeah, I’m bitter so what
Today's take away: it could've been worse?
Yeah, 32 point loss isn’t bad at all.
Follow Mark on Twitter: @MarkAL401