CL Pod 89: Post-Kyrie leadership epiphany, Cs continue winning ways
After very-public fissures appeared in the Boston Celtics after yet another regression to sub-standard play, and an even more public leadership epiphany from star point guard Kyrie Irving, the Celtics continue to win.
Is it a change in mindset that's making the difference? Communication? Style of play? Join Cam Tabatabaie and Justin Quinn as they gingerly tip-toe around whether the change is for real, what they think is behind it, and the schedule ahead, as well as All-Star voting returns, the pros and cons of Marcus Smart's intensity, and more. We even get a chance to talk with UK correspondent Josh Coyne about this year's London Game, how the NBA continues to grow overseas, and of course, the (sad) state of the rivalry that maybe never was with the Washington Wizards through the eyes of Markieff Morris, Marcus' twin brother.
We're also sandboxing a new feature, just to see if you all are interested - a "voicemail-bag" of sorts so you can submit your own questions each week, and be part of the pod. We can of course just answer your questions if you don't want to be heard, but you'll have to let us know if that's the case. Use the service linked in this sentence to record your question or comment, post a link to the recording it generates in the comments below, and we'll include the best in our next show. As with the site, so goes the show - criticism is welcome and cursing is fine, but epithets and similar commentary are not.
As always, don't hesitate to contact us if you have a complaint, or suggestion; leave us a message here, or tweet us with the hashtag #CLPod, and we'll be sure to follow up. If you're listening to the podcast via a podcatcher app, don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss an episode, and give us a five-star rating if you like what you hear! If you DON'T like what you hear, let us know with a message here, or on Twitter with the hashtag, and we'll do our best to address your concerns.
For more stories by Justin, click here.
Follow Cam at @CTabatabaie
Follow Josh at @poundcoyne