CL Pod 023: Trade reaction, what happens now - and Josh Horford!
Danny Ainge went and did it. He traded the 1st-overall pick in the draft less than a week before the big day. The news begin to leak out Friday night that this deal with the Philadelphia 76ers was in the works and it only took another day for the two teams to come to an agreement. We took a day to stew on the shocking revelation and let it all out last night on the podcast.
Topher Lane and Mark Allison dive into their thoughts on the deal, what it means for the Celtics immediate and long-term plans, and what the hell is going to happen Thursday night. We also get into the Paul George news that he's told the Indiana Pacers he's out after next year, essentially forcing them to trade him for next to nothing. Does is make sense for the C's to take a shot for a potential 1-year rental? They certainly have enough assets to go around. Should they play the role of facilitator in a deal for George to Cleveland if it gets us something solid in return? I'm not so sure I want to help build up Cleveland any more than they are.
We even talked to Josh Horford, brother of Celtics' big man Al, about the chaos, and he let Josh Coyne know who he'd like to see in green this summer, and how he feels about Ainge's wheeling and dealing. We'll have loads of coverage in the lead-up to the draft, but this is one episode you do NOT want to miss.
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Related: C's and Philly pick swap is official, here's the details with comments from Ainge
Follow Mark on Twitter: @MarkAL401