Green Envy: What Nets fans said - 1/8

After one of the better defensive games for Boston this year, Nets fans were frustrated by the loss. Blame was assigned to Deron Williams, Jarrett Jack, Brook Lopez, Mason Plumlee, and virtually everyone else.

Point guard troubles:

dwill should retire, this guy is falling apart

Jack is sloppy

Jack literally plays no defense

Jarrett Jack is a garbage cancer.
who plays zero D.

Just hopeless:

DUMP LOPEZ, Williams for can of tuna
Williams is whining scrub – JKidd played bball on one leg – and never complained
Lopez is in the Disneys boy dream land earning men’s money

D-Will not a max player injury prone, Karasev garbage, Joe Johnson lazy, Garnett old, Lopez soft, Plumlee garbage, Jack no D, Tele garbage, Bognadovic garbage, Anderson garbage

Full slate:

If I had to compare the Nets to a vehicle
I’d say they’re like a 2007 Toyota Yaris. No one cares.

With a price tag of BMW

More like the price tag of a Maclaren

KG played so well in 1st half
Why not play him in 4th? May not have made difference but guys do feed off his energy

Sooooooooo when we trading?

this is all Prokhorov and Kings fault.
Going for broke in FA and bringing in aging talent is a broken strategy.


DUMP LOPEZ, Williams for can of tuna
Williams is whining scrub – JKidd played bball on one leg – and never complained
Lopez is in the Disneys boy dream land earning men’s money

Deron played for multiple seasons on bum ankles and could barely walk, never complained
stop with the revisionist history

nets doing exactly what good teams do against lesser teams

lets sweep them

. . .they won the first game

dwill should retire, this guy is falling apart

this is so hard to watch...

So trade Deron for a stapler and Bojan for staples

jack is trying out there... damn good D from boston

This team is really hard to watch. Can't wait for trade deadline

This team is just frustrating
Down a point to these Celtics at the half after being up double digits. Just inexcusable stuff going on out on that court.

Jack is sloppy

Jack literally plays no defense

Jack isn't a good enough player to justify never playing defense
It really can’t be that hard to a veteran like him

Nets are a $100 million doormat team
Nothing we can do about it until 2017

Bill Simmons said it best...
Something along the lines of: "they’re a team with no foreseeable future… or foreseeable present."

Pretty much saying we have no game plan. Which is 100% accurate. I have no idea what this team is, or how they are trying to build.

Lopez go down low like a center!

I'd love to see Stevens coach OKC. Bet they'd win the title. 1 reply

This Nets team reminds me of the '09-'10 Nets
Jarrett Jack is our Rafer Alston, Mason Plumlee is our Hump, Lopez, then it’s just straight up garbage.

Plumlee is trash, Anderson is trash, Jack is trash.
Hollins is trash.

My God...
what is this crap I’m watching?

Plumlee can't even dunk
that’s how bad it’s gotten

Big moves coming from King
Waive Cory Jefferson, sign a D-Leaguer that’s a little better than Darius Morris

D-Will not a max player injury prone, Karasev garbage, Joe Johnson lazy, Garnett old, Lopez soft, Plumlee garbage, Jack no D, Tele garbage, Bognadovic garbage, Anderson garbage

Will I ever see my team win a chip?!!!

Jarrett Jack is a garbage cancer.
who plays zero D.

Not sure why your pointing only him out
He’s a small reason for anything, you have guys on max contracts playing mediocre.

Those pick swaps keep looking better and better.
For Atlanta and Boston.

effing bumss

This team doesn't need chemistry
it needs changes.