Evan Turner's ejection from preseason game against Toronto
Last night, Evan Turner was ejected for throwing the ball at the official. I'm willing to run the risk of getting fined by the league by adding the qualifier, "if you want to call that throwing the ball at the official."
After hearing that Turner was ejected, I imagined a similar scenario that saw Rajon Rondo ejected from a game a few years ago.
As pro-Rondo as I am, that action was deserving of an ejection. The scene was a bit different last night in Maine vs. Toronto. Here is Turner's video.
Hmm. Pretty tough to get ejected in a preseason game, but I guess that was enough to do it.
The going theory is Turner was already getting T'd up for mouthing off to the official after the initial play, and received a second technical for bouncing the ball towards and making contact with the official.
That looks pretty tame to me, but according to Celtics coach Brad Stevens, the punishment was warranted.
Did turner earn his technicals and ejection? Stevens nods. "I thought so."
— Jay King (@ByJayKing) October 16, 2014
Get it all out of your system now, guys. Start as many fights with the refs as you want in the preseason. Just don't drag that into November. The only way to win games is by staying on the floor.