Marcus Smart and James Young answer questions from fans on Reddit
The NBA is wringing out every last drop of hype over this draft class. On Sunday, a bunch of rookies took part in an AMA (ask me anything) on Reddit.
If you don't know what Reddit is, it's a website where people can submit content or news or pics and talk about pretty much everything. Famous people regularly do AMAs as part of a promotion for whatever they are working on and it gives the public the chance to ask whatever questions they want. It's pretty neat.
Here's what Marcus Smart and James Young said during the rookie AMA. (h/t to dangercart at the Celtics page for pulling all of these together.)
Marcus Smart:
Q: Have you learned how to say your name correctly now?...If you are unsure, it is now pronounced Mahcus Smaht. Thanks.
A: I did when I first got there! It's crazy. I don't think I will get the accent myself but I might, who knows.
Q: What was your favorite class you took in college?
A: Sociology
Q: What about you and your game is going to make teams regret passing up on you?
A: My defense and play making ability.
Q: Which player in this draft class is the biggest trash talker?
A: Joel Embiid. He just talks a lot. He's a big kid.
Q: What is the best thing about being in Boston?
A: Best thing about being in boston is the fans. They love their sports. On Twitter it's been crazy. I was up there before summer league. The food is really good up there.
Q: How do you think playing with Rondo is going to affect your development as a player?
A: It's going to help me tremendously. He's been playing in the NBA for a long time and knows what it takes to win a championship. I respect his strong defense and leadership. He has a commanding presence that you have to respect.
Q: What position are you most comfortable at? Do you have a preference between playing on and off the ball?
A: Either one. No preference actually. I feel comfortable either way. I can play on and off the ball. It's a win win for me.
Q: Who do you think will win Rookie of the Year?
A: Me.
Q: What would you guess your 2k rating to be?
A: Probably 78. If I'm a 60 or below I'm going to be upset.
James Young:
Q: what do you think you might have to give up now that you're entering the professional world of basketball?
A: Eating cheeseburgers daily
Q: What's something you're hoping on improving this season?
A: Getting stronger. Putting muscle on.
Q: What current player in the NBA are you looking forward to playing against the most.
A: James Harden because he's a great scorer.
Q: What is your all time favorite food?
A: Bacon cheeseburger.
Q: Who's one player that you'd like to eventually play with at some point in your NBA career (that isn't on your current team)?
A: Kevin Durant. I play with him all the time in 2K.
Q: Who do you think will win Rookie of the Year?
A: It's hard to say since we haven't played any games. But I would like to say myself.
Q: What would you guess your 2k rating to be?
A: 73, It has to be. I'd be in a down mood if I were something like a 69. Ha.
Yes! Boston is going to have two rookies of the year in one season! Kidding aside, this was fun. Who knew Young is addicted to cheeseburgers?
The best answer was from Smart talking about being comfortable playing on or off the ball. That's great news with Rajon Rondo still running the show.
The more I see of these guys, the more I like. Whatever happens, the future looks pretty good in Boston.
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