Owner Wyc Grousbeck talks 'fireworks' and sees the Celtics as players in free agency...in the future
In a phone interview Monday with The Boston Globe's Chris Gasper, Celtics co-owner Wyc Grousbeck discussed his "fireworks" comment from this spring, and what he envisions happening going forward:
No, if you go back and look at what I said, I said we were hoping for fireworks. I didn’t promise them. We tried as hard as we could. July 4 has come and gone, but there is still a lot of effort and hope that eventually with all those first-round picks and other possible assets that at some point I would imagine something would happen, whether it’s this year or next.
Our effort level on improving the team has been extraordinary, and [president of basketball operations] Danny [Ainge] and his staff and Brad [Stevens] have worked essentially around the clock to improve the roster. We’ve made some progress. I’m very happy with the effort. I’m still hoping for more improvement, either this year or next, because I’m impatient to get back to the level we were at.
What we are working on in Boston is offering the possibility of contending for a championship. If a ring is more important to a guy than the climate or the taxes that’s the kind of guy we want.
So the fireworks display has been postponed. As Celtics fans we should be OK with that. If the move wasn't there, it wasn't there. I'd much rather have the C's be patient and wait for the right deal to come along than make a major trade this summer just for the sake of it.
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