Celtics and Nets scheduled to meet in preseason, will it be Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce's return to Boston?

The Brooklyn Nets announced their upcoming preseason schedule yesterday, which includes two matchups with the Celtics.  Here's the graphic from their website:

Obviously the game that stands out is October 23rd in Boston.  As I've discussed before, Pierce and Garnett's first game back is going to be an incredibly emotional experience.  If you're thinking it would be a shame to waste that in the preseason, you're not alone.  Here's what Sports Illustrated's Chris Mannix had to say:

To which Brooklyn GM Billy King responded:

A few hours later Mannix added this:

I agree completely with Mannix's analysis.  There's no way those guys take the floor for a preseason contest at the Garden, or even enter the building for that matter.

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