Green Envy: What Suns fans said - 2/22
Top Three:
1) These isos for Jermaine weren't very efficient when he was in his prime and they haven’t gotten better as he’s calcified.
2) The Gorilla outscored Beasley. As did the kid who mops the sweat off the floor.
3) Awful play for the Suns, our commentators are more focused on ugly shoes and howie long.
Play of the Game: (On pretty much any play Jeff made all night)
Green is abusing us.
The Full Slate:
Resting Garnett? That is quite insulting. Sick 'em Dragic!
Tough to tell Kieff and Marcus apart one walked right next to me, and I guessed it was Marcus because he looks a little narrower in the shoulders. Kieff is bigger, by a little bit. Marcus’s face looks a little friendler. That’s all I got.
I think Dragic stole Vasquez's powers. Vasquez has played like trash and hasn't been passing nearly as well; way to go Goran!
Gortat can't post up Green?
Not sure if the Suns could have come out more flat-footed.
11-0 wooh. Tanking for the no. 1 pick
So when we lose tonight, any chance we move up in the lottery ladder?
Celtics picked a good night to rest Garnett I guess they knew it would be an easy win anyway.
wow we suck. At least we have cool uni’s lol
Terrence Williams is an awesome passer.
Damn, JO looking spry!
Is this 2004? Jermaine O’Neal is a beast.
So Boston is uptempo and we are the set offense?
Fun fact: my spanish class for this morning was cnaceled because of snow.
Terrence Williams is trash, lol. So is Jonny Flynn, but he isn't in the nba anymore
Imo, thats a really dumb shot by Dragic; you bobbled the ball man which allowed two defenders to recover. I know he knows he can make that, but he hasn't been this season.
Damn it Gortat, what more can Dragic do for you? He can't freaking score for you.
Morris has been playing well. Im betting that is Marcus really
then he turns it over for an easy dunk. bad save.
I can't take this anymore. I’m leaving again, I just can’t watch.
Bad pass Dragic. Dragic has a knack for those jump pass TO's
Dragic's assist to turnover ratio is horrendous. 7 to 5.
Horrible shoes.
Morris may be actually as dumb as he looks on the court.
That wasnt a foul....
That was a beautiful defensive play and by beautiful I mean abhorrent
Dragic has a penchant for taking guarded threes.
Beautiful defense by tucker..... team is full of idiots
Does Dudley really have 7 assists?
Beasley trots never sprints. Damn.
Oh god I wish these feeds had rewind Hunter’s face after Beasley’s airball
ok, just getting here, let me get this straight-- no KG, Jeff Green is playing C and has 24 and 6 and Gortat, one of the top 10 Centers in the league, has 10 and 6
Garrett is coming in
YEAH!! nother steal! 3 on none fastbreak Woot! woot!
more point guards please at least they can run pass and lay it in
All three of our point guards are 6'4.
Hm, Dragic's getting in the lane and weaving like a certain former MVP who shall remain unnamed
all 5 of our big men suck
Embarrassed in 88 countries.
Yeah! I was hoping for some Wonder Twin action!! Is Marcus’ nickname “Mook”?
Put the Morrises in there dammit. Don't be a tease Hunter!
Garrett and the Twins... for one night only.
The Mook-Kieff has been released!!! Oh Yeah!!!!!!!!!
Markieff turns it over trying to pass it to his brother LOL
That'll help Marsh's confidence, yikes
that whole sequence was rude i say stop the game. mercy rule
Take Goran out I want to see Beasley at point, because I hate watching good basketball.
Per Kris on Twitter, Beasley walked down the tunnel after being pulled. No apparent injury.
Morris seems better than Morris, am I right
Poor guys. Keep running perfectly executed fastbreak with numbers situations, and keep getting blocked.
All right. Bring on the hated Spurs! Then we’ll see some twinsanity!
Twinsanity!! Pop and Timmay are shaking in their boots!!
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