Rondo: "I get suspended for a phone hang-up and people just get away with anything"
Before last night's bench-inspired win over Phoenix, Rajon Rondo had some things to say about his suspension and the KG/Carmelo/breakfast cereal incident:
Oh man, I get suspended for a phone hang-up and people just get away with anything in this league. Oh my goodness, so that’s the same thing, huh?
That's in regards to hearing Carmelo Anthony also got a 1 game suspension for his post game antics on Monday. Rondo was then told that he could be seen in the video, and asked if he felt uncomfortable about it:
I’m in the video. What do I have on? You can tell it’s me? Yeah, I had the hood on, didn’t I? Uncomfortable? I’m a nice guy. I was pretty comfortable. I didn’t want anything to happen to the big fella. I had my teammate's back. Nobody was looking for a fight or anything. We just tried to break it up and I wanted to be there for my teammate. Just because I got suspended doesn’t mean I’m a bad person. Why can’t I be a peacemaker?
And finally in reference to Doc Rivers advocating fines instead of suspensions:
I agree with Doc. Fans come to see the players, their favorite players. I happen to be some fans’ favorite players -- a couple. The fans still love me. They don’t really judge me as much as the media does. It’s part of the job. It’s part of the role.
I always enjoy what Rondo has to say. While some may think he's often too contrite and gives reporters a hard time, I appreciate the fact that he just says what's on his mind. His upcoming ESPN commercial should be brilliant.
Quotes from an ESPN Boston piece by Chris Forsberg.
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