Video: Shaughnessy & Ryan not fans of Rondo's streak
The Boston media old guard has checked in and they are not fans of Rajon Rondo's streak. Bob Ryan seems to believe that Doc just put Rondo back in versus Detroit, so that he didn't "lose him." I mean this is possible as Rondo and Doc haven't always see eye to eye, but it's an assumption nonetheless, not based on evidence. I stopped listening to Shaughnessy after about 10 seconds. Long enough to hear that he isn't a fan of the streak, but not long enough to irritate my ears. Luckily Andy Gresh (Blast from the Past via Jenda) didn't chime in and Tanguay barely did. Both of those guys are douche bags that look up to the negative Boston reporters like Shaughnessy, Callahan, Massarotti, etc. Thankfully Felger wasn't invited. The only one there who I respect is Ryan. There are a lot of CSNNE reporters I really like. These aren't the ones.