Celtics Life Adidas Fadeaway Collection giveaway submissions (Part 1)
Going to start posting some of the submissions for our contest ending today ( Win a Rondo jersey, Celtics jacket, hat, & $50 gift card ). Feel free to show some love for the submissions you like. Let's go with the "If you don't have nothing nice to say than keep your pie hole shut" though in this comments section. No need to talk smack about others' submissions in order to make your's look better, but it would be cool to get your positive feedback on the ones you like.
What are the additional ways to increase my odds of winning?
"Liking" us on Facebook is one way:
Following us on twitter and Google + is another way:
Follow @celticsLife
And lastly subscribing to our Celtics Life Daily Enewsletter is another way:
What are the additional ways to increase my odds of winning?
"Liking" us on Facebook is one way:
Following us on twitter and Google + is another way:
And lastly subscribing to our Celtics Life Daily Enewsletter is another way: