Kevin Garnett Would Probably Do Better in WWE
Well ... he did mention he was willing to sacrifice a ton of his earnings for the players union and sit out the entire season. But I'd rather see The Big Ticket in action elsewhere, say in a tag team match with a Celtic champ and fan favorite ... or one-on-one with The Great Khali.
After all, quoting a post on their page: "The NBA and NFL are both in or facing season-ending lockouts. WWE = 52 weeks a year ... NO LOCKOUTS!"
Makes logical sense for a primal beast in the green jungle like 'ol KG to take his talents there ... and even probably be a champion for a couple of months.
After all, quoting a post on their page: "The NBA and NFL are both in or facing season-ending lockouts. WWE = 52 weeks a year ... NO LOCKOUTS!"
Makes logical sense for a primal beast in the green jungle like 'ol KG to take his talents there ... and even probably be a champion for a couple of months.
Then again, there might be other talents who can better fit the bill (cough, LeBron), stay there and might just make a brighter career than basketball! Best place for anyone who wants drama and craves attention to their heart's desire.
If that happens, we might need to make a poll on his finishing maneuvers.
(p.s. Everything But Belief is also in "lockout mode". eVersion now only $1.95)