30 Years in 30 Days: Day 25- Washington Hall, Room 1103

If Premonitions & Visions had you on edge, today's story may send a chill down your spine.  Washington Hall was the dorm on Maryland’s campus that Len Bias lived.  Room 1103 was his room.  Many times after the incident people would stop by and want to see the room.  But that’s not all that’s been mentioned.

Anne Turkos is an archivist at the University of Maryland who in the past has given a tour of the UMD campus and some of the “haunted spots.”

“A number of students that have lived in that dorm room since Len’s death report that they have heard the sound of a basketball bouncing in the middle of the night, and they attribute that to that particular tragedy,” Turkos said

Years after, students and the public would go to the dorm in hopes to be able to get a glimpse of the room.  Some people believe in the supernatural and some don’t.  For the way sudden way Len died and how it all took place in that dorm room, you can come to your own conclusions about the hallowed sound of a dribbling ball.

25 Seasons Before: 1961-62, Celtics win NBA championship
25 Seasons After: 2010-11, Celtics lose in Eastern Conference Semi-Finals

Index of 30 Years in 30 Days articles