30 Years in 30 Days: Day 24- The Nicknames
Art by Ralph Mc |
But it was mostly known back home in Columbia Park, MD. From C. Fraser Smith's Lenny, Lefty, and the Chancellor:
In Columbia Park, people still called him Frosty. It was a name that marked off home as separate and distinct from the pressing world of basketball. At times though the nickname captured his moods. He could be arrogant, overly sure of himself, threatening. It was useful sometimes to be menacing if that would repel people who thought he was their property.
The other nickname Len had was "Horse." The guys with Bias in the room the night he died told him to take it easy, told him that he was doing too much. We have since learned, Len sat up on a bed, bent over a mirror, proclaimed himself "a horse" -- the nickname his teammates had used for him because of his on-court grace and physical presence -- and snorted one last line of cocaine.
24 Seasons Before: 1962-63, Celtics win NBA championship
24 Seasons After: 2009-10, Celtics lose in NBA Finals
Index of 30 Years in 30 Days articles