Green Envy: what Bucks fans said
The Celtics improved to .500 Tuesday night with a convincing 99-83 win over a Milwaukee Bucks team that had won four games in a row. They only led by four points at halftime but their stifling defense resulted in an array of Bucks' turnovers in the second half. As a Celtics fan watching this game, you may not have even noticed Greivis Vasquez. For Bucks fans, however, he was the number one topic of discussion when it was over. Probably because his 1-3 shooting performance wasn't exactly the bounce-back they were hoping for after he went 0-10 against the Nets on Saturday.
Top Three
Kelly Olynyk? He plays for Arcade Fire right?
The good news is Vasquez raised his FG% tonight with that 1-3 performance
Coach Kidd: "We have to be patient. We're not as good as we think we are."
Play of the Game: (ET's miracle shot that didn't count)
Play of the Game: (ET's miracle shot that didn't count)
Full Slate
Vasquez made a shot so there's that
-Why does Henson not play? -Why does Vasquez play?
Jason Kidd continues to frustrate the hell out of me.
Sometimes things just don't work out. It's time for the Bucks to part ways with Vasquez. Not mad at anybody, just a really bad fit.
I wouldn't even trust Vasquez to shake the plastic bag and do the twisty thingy too
Guys you have to be a little more fair to Vasquez.
Being greek in Germany, so living somewhere where you are not native speaker, I understand him more than anyone.
The new owners said : "We will build a new Arena. Brick by brick" . He just took things a bit too literally...
Greivis is shooting 18.5% from the field and playing no defense
Vasquez is gonna be on this team the rest of the year. That is a very bad thing. But I believe it to be true. Please, basketball gods, give us MCW and OJ back tomorrow.
Our trash bench is painful to watch.
They NEED to be competitive at home. Arena was embarrassingly empty and will continue to be if that's the product people get.
Boston gott a lil lucky! They cheated too! We still the hottest team in the NBA!
You know the team was bad when Monroe leads in 3 major categories
Piss poor play by the Bucks tonight....all the frickin turnovers.
Screw Grevis Vasquez, trade him, im so sick of the way hes been playing. I dont know if im seeing a pile of trash on the court or a "basketball player"
What the hell is this Bayless/Trashquez/Inglis/JOB/Henson lineup?
Fuck these refs we're getting hacked!
Our bench unit blows, we need OJ because these guys are trash.
Wow. We really cannot get rebounds at all.
Our bench is so bad it's laughable.
I really feel like if we had a decent point guard it would do wonders for this team. I can't take watching our offense anymore
Our offense is so stagnant and easily readable, down screens or ball screens seem to be the only way Kidd wants to do things and it becomes predictable.
Bucks started 0-3 now they're 4-4 am I worried that they lost tonight nah future looks good
That's such a bad frustrating loss on so many levels...
There are long stretches where these Bucks are just unwatchable.
I'll never get why Jason Kidd keeps holding back Henson. The Bucks have their very own "Hassan Whiteside" wasting away on the bench..
Would like to point out the Celtics are demolishing the Bucks across street from GOP Debate right now.
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