Brooklyn Nets rebuild plan: Buy a bunch of 2nd-round draft picks?
I understand Nets coach Lionel Hollins was just trying to put on nice face on things, and I don't blame him. What else can you do when you're asked about the draft future of a team that won't get to use its own first-round pick until 2019? Still, what he said the other night was laugh-out-loud funny:
After being asked about BKN's lack of 1st-rounders, Lionel Hollins points out that 2nd rounders can be bought & Isaiah Thomas was last pick.
— Marc D'Amico (@Marc_DAmico) November 20, 2015
Here's Hollins' full quote, via CBS Boston's Brian Robb:
There's always second-round picks that are bought. There's always second-round picks that are traded.
I mean, I look at Isaiah Thomas. He was the last player taken in the draft. He's become a star. So how high you draft and how many first-round picks you have doesn't necessarily mean success. It's how you choose people that you put on your team, and where you find players, and how they develop, and whether or not they are players. That's the key.
Don't worry Nets fans, it doesn't matter where you pick in the draft as long as you choose wisely! Second round picks can be stars, you just have to be smart about!
It's amazing more clubs haven't caught on to this strategy yet. If I were Hollins, I'd stop sharing this information with the media, pronto. Word will get out, other teams will realize the brilliance of this plan, and then there won't be any second-rounders available for Brooklyn to buy!
And you know what? Danny Ainge and the Celtics have already been using this blueprint. On the day they stole the Nets future in 2013, the C's also bought a second-round pick of their own--the great Colton Iverson. If Brooklyn implements this method for the next few years, by 2019 it'll have an entire lineup filled with Colton Iversons!
Watch out NBA.
Photo credit: AP Photo/Charles Krupa
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