Upcoming "The Basketball Tournament" is a WTHHT wet dream

So a basketball tournament with Fab Melo, Marcus Banks, Brian Scalabrine, Nate Robinson, Von Wafer, Ryan Gomes, etc. huh? Decent chance that Celtics Life's own tb727 is running this thing right? (What the Hell Happened to...Complete Index) Come on Jumaine Jones, Kedrick Brown, and Reggie Hanson! Still time to sign up!

And then we have Scal's doppelgänger Michael Rapport forming the ginger super team win Scal and the Red Rocket Matt Bonner. This is going to be better than the Celtics Life Fab Melo vs. JaJaun Johnson Pay Per View 1-on-1 match we've been touting since shortly after the scrubs were drafted (Danny passed on Draymond Green and Jimmy Butler. No I'm not bitter).

Hopefully this will help kick off the long awaited Fab Melo comeback, which was recently announced.

Related: What the Hell Happened to...Complete Index
Fab Melo wants to make it back to the NBA