Rondo now '83%' likely to play season opener, officially a 'nap time decision.' Is it time to panic?

In case you missed it, yesterday Rajon Rondo provided us all with a very specific percentage chance he would return for the Celtics season opener Wednesday night against the Brooklyn Nets (79). Today, he provides us with another (highly specific) percentage update.

From Head Coach Brad Stevens, via Chris Forsberg

"[Rondo] has one more imaging [test on his hand] after practice [Tuesday] and then they'll go from there," Stevens said. "I think it's more about his comfort level right now. I think [the trainers] feel like he's progressed well and healed appropriately. I just asked him what he wants me to say and he said, 'Tell [the media] I'm 83 percent.' I said I'll just tell them you're five-sixths of the way there."

But even Stevens shrugged his shoulders when asked what the jump from 79 to 83 percent could suggest.

"Four percent better, whatever that means," Stevens said.

Here's my question; for those of us hoping that Rondo does suit up for the game tomorrow, is it time to panic?

To this point, I had been working under the impression that Rondo's chances of playing per day would be dramatically increasing as we get further and further removed from the 'Falling in a shower while singing to Luther Vandross' incident. But today's revelation seems to insinuate that Rondo's recovery time has been much more gradual or steady. Yes, we're still seeing improvements, and that's good, but it appears the healing process is still on a slow climb. No bueno.

I mean, I could be overreacting, but think about it like this; in one day Rondo's chances of playing opening night increased by only four percent. In order for Rondo to suit up, or for him to be at 100%, his daily recovery rate would need to be 425% better tomorrow (17% improvement) than it was today. Color me skeptical, because that would pretty much take a miracle.

A miracle, that would need to occur during his nap, apparently.

"When I wake up from my nap, I'll let [reporters] know. Around 4:30," Rondo said. "If I sleep really, really well tonight, and [Wednesday] afternoon with my nap, I'll let you know how I'm feeling.

Now I can't reveal my sources, but I was able to obtain a copy of Rondo's daily calendar. There may be hope after all.