KG will always love Gino
Kevin Garnett is the best. You know this, I know this, and neither of us have ever questioned that. But it's still nice to get reaffirmation of his bestness here and there. Last night, he did just that.
There was an awkward moment late in the game last night. Like running into an ex at a place you once shared, Kevin Garnett too ran into a situation he was all too familiar with. The sounds of the BeeGee's blared throughout the stadium. On the big screen, a sight Kevin Garnett once loved; A bearded man, wearing a Gino Vannelli shirt, teaching us all a lesson in keeping it funky.
But that's OK. KG's cool with it, gang.
Via Chris Forsberg
“Listen, I was so upset I didn’t even get the really, really deep Gino in my system,” Garnett said. “My low moment for the night, you know what I mean? Gino is a big part of me and I didn’t even get to celebrate it. I’m still a huge Gino fan.”
Stay golden, ticket. Stay golden.