Forbes Magazine rates Celtics 4th most valuable NBA franchise

Forbes Magazine recently came out with their yearly rankings list of the most valuable franchise in the NBA, with the Boston Celtics landing at #4 at $875 million.  Topping the list are the New York Knicks at $1.4 billion, followed by the LA Lakers ($1.35 billion) and Chicago Bulls ($1 billion).  Coming in 5th behind Boston is the Brooklyn Nets ($780 million), who's value has more than doubled since their move out of New Jersey and into the new Barclays Center.

Four of the top five teams have losing records at the moment, with only the 21-20 Bulls above the .500 mark.  However, the club with the league's worst record has also been deemed the least valuable, as the 8-33 Milwaukee Bucks are ranked last at $405 million.

Forbes says the average NBA franchise is worth roughly $634 million, a 25% increase from a year ago.

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