With Rondo out till December (probably), should the Celtics sign a PG? Who's available? If not..who's the in house starter?

The Celtics are taking it slow with Rondo's return, for good a reason. He's only 27, and he's got a lot of basketball left in the tank. Plus why would you want to risk his future during a season when your rebuilding. With Danny Ainge saying he'd be "shocked" to see Rondo back on opening night. That leaves the Celtics without a starting point guard, and a true point guard at that.
So what would be some of the options for Danny Ainge? We know that signing a point guard is likely not going to happen. Danny Ainge is adamant about staying under the luxury tax. Recently there was a rumor about the Celtics possibly looking into bringing back a past point guard in Sebastian Telfair. Is that even worth it?
What if the Celtics just go with last years method? Avery Bradley would move to starting point guard until Rondo's return. That would allow the Celtics to start Brooks, Lee, and I can't believe I'm going to say this maybe Crawford could start at shooting guard, nah, he won't get that lucky. This will keep guys happy for awhile. When Rondo returns,the minutes will go down for Lee, Brooks, and Crawford.
The only good thing from Rondo's potential late start to the season would be that guys like Crawford, and Lee could gain some value when it comes to trades. They'll be able to go out there for a month or two showcasing what they can do. Maybe a team will like Jordan Crawford shooting 30 foot three-point shots?
I would have to say the Celtics should just run with what they have. Stay below the tax line, and just wait until Rondo returns. What do you guys think?
This is my first post here @CelticsLife. You may know me from my Celtics blog, Celtics Title Town. I look forward to being apart of this site.
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