Take that Craig Hodges! High School kid hits 135 3-pointers in 5 minutes

Supposedly this is the World Record. The shooter's name is Josh Ruggles and he attends high school in Illinois (Going into his Junior year). I actually watched the whole five minutes (Why people insist on filming videos horizontally on their smartphones amazes me to this day). At one point he dares to miss 2 of 3 and you can hear a coach/dad yelling at him. With 16 seconds left he's told the time and proceeds to "sprint" to the end hitting a 3-pointer every second. So this is the long distance record if you will. I wonder how many he could hit in a minute? I'm going to guess 45.
It's crazy that a high school kid can hit 92% of his 3-pointers under serious time constraints while some NBA players can't hit 50% of their free throws with all the time in the world.