Afternoon Delight: Doc's Decision

Three years ago, NBA fans were put through the wringer as the LeBron free agency sweepstakes generated a shit-storm of drama that involved teams making fancy presentations to 'Bron and ending with the infamous ESPN-televised special, "The Decision."

Now, the Doc Rivers situation (latest here) isn't quite at the LeBron levels yet in terms of the wooing and fawning from teams interested in his services but the drama about his return (or not) to the C's bench is driving Celtics fans through an absurd shit-storm of its own.

Let's just hope that all with Doc not only ends well, but ends without some stupid t.v. special of its own:

About Afternoon Delight: From time to time, posts an original (most of the time), humorous creation for your delight. View past Afternoon Delight postings. 

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