Stephen A. Smith "reports" Griffin & Bledsoe for Pierce, KG, & Doc trade being discussed

Stephen A. Smith of ESPN reports that the Los Angeles Clippers and Boston Celtics could execute a trade of Blake Griffin, Eric Bledsoe and Caron Butler for Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett.
Smith also reports that Doc Rivers could go with Pierce and Garnett to the Clippers.
"It is already being talked about in NBA circles," said Smith.
Smith wouldn't answer definitively if it is actually being discussed between the two teams.
Spoke w a celtics source about the Stephen a smith story..their one word response to it? Absurd!
— greg dickerson (@gdickerson_csn) May 6, 2013
Hmm, maybe Stephen A. was jealous of all the attention his colleague Dan Le Batard was getting with his MVP vote hoax. What else can explain such a preposterous idea? "It is already being talked about in NBA circles." Skip and you aren't an "NBA circle" bud.
Thanks nikolas88 for the video link.