Green Envy: What depressed Kings fans said - 1/30
For the first game post Rondo injury, a great overall team win by the Green. The clobbering of the Kings wasn’t too much surprise to their fans. Most of their comments were about how bad their head coach is or about Demarcus Cousin’s lack of enthusiasm/style of play. All and all Kings fans seemed depressed, I mean it is a sad state of affairs for them as the Kings will be moving to Seattle soon.
Top Three:
1. The Kings don't even look like they've played basketball before.2. Gracia has fingers of butter.
3. It's Amazing to see TD Garden completely full to the nosebleeds on a Wed nite. These fans certainly define loyalty
Play of the Game: (Pretty much any good play by the C's)
I have the Boston feed and their color guy might be the biggest homer I have ever heard.The Full Slate:
KG is in his super sayian form so far.Just guessing here .. Thomas has taken about 7 shots so far?
we have a PG looking to shoot much more than he's looking to pass, and a Center shooting 3's. nice offense you have in place here Keith
Brooks and Thornton need to retire.
many games ago, i coined the phrase "second quarter sabotage" to describe keith smart's substitution strategy. it would appear that SQS is on full display once again...
Marcus Thornton remains so grumpy. He didn't even dive for that ball, and then put his mean face on. Lol
Jesus. There is no way that Keith Smart isn't intentionally sabotaging this team to hurt fan enthusiasm. No one can be this dumb. He does everything wrong. I used to be a staunch supporter but there is not justifying it now.
This is embarrassing. Reminds me of when we were down to the Lakers like 28-0 many many years ago.
tonight you see the difference of having a Doc Rivers and a Keith Smart
Smart's Timeout: "Guys I just dont get it, the offense is solid. One on one dribbling just like we talked about. Maybe get the ball to IT more, hes having a good shooting night"
Wow, we post Cousins up when we are down 25???? Why now? Lol
Thornton is brain dead.
Jimmer vs Barbosa, lawls.
So Cousins attacks the rim when the game is completely over makes sense
Heinsohn? yeah, he's an institution in homerdom, famous for it. look him up in youtube, it's hilarious. Anyone ever wonder why Tyreke has no tattoos?