Comments from the other side - Bucks 11/2
We our going to get beat down pretty bad I think. Boston is better, smarter, and have our number. I expect a double-digit loss. Hoping to see Lamb get minutes though.
103-87 for the Celtics. They are just plain better than us.
I would be shock if we come out with a win. I'm predicting a typical bucks style flow. Get down early hanging around that 10 point range. Keep it interesting to give us a little hope, but then go scoreless for the last 5 minutes
I think we are going to take a brutal beating. I think that Jennings and Ellis will shoot a combined 27%, but that will not deter them from shooting incredibly frequently.
The Celtics have a lot of new pieces this year and are not a well oiled team just yet. They are clearly more talented than us on paper and Paul Pierce looks to be in playoff form already.
The hardest part about tonight is going to be watching Rajon Rondo making Courtney Lee look better than everyone on our roster.
Courtney Lee looked like a worse version of Delfino in his first game. Guy was totally lost for 3 quarters.
I keep expecting father time to get KG and PP thus really knocking Boston back, but they didn't look awful against the Heat. Rondo will be too much for our guards. Unless Boston puts their guard down a bit, I just don't see us hanging around in this one.
I really hopes Sanders gets ejected tonight after blocking 8 shots and committing 2 technicals, and shows the league who the new Sheed is!!
We gave Charlotte one of their 7 wins in the opener last year. Not too confident tonight.
Does anyone else love a potential Ersan / Garnett match up? Neither guy will back down an inch
And Garnett would be scared of Ersan, cause he gives out concussions like candy.
If I was Boston tonight I would be going with Rondo Pierce Green Bass Garnett. Could you imagine Ellis trying to guard Pierce? Theyd win off that matchup alone
I enjoyed that Rondo foul on Wade at the end of their game
Looks like Jennings isn't gonna fold against Rondo tonight
Boston cant hit open shots YAY
Darko looks.... The opposite of svelte
Glad Terry is missing. That guy can get hot and scorch you bad.
Ersan going to get fined for the flop.
I love the pause when they are going to call a charge then realise it's a star and make it a block. I can only watch a few minutes of this the Celtics announcers are as annoying as they are dumb.
Man, I love rondo
Boston has way too many guys who are compulsive shooters. Going to be some disharmony there.
Daniels looks like crap.
Why is Daniels even in the NBA ?!
Never in a million years did I think Daniels would play a minute. And now he's playing over rookies with upside. Skiles is definitely coaching to "win." A ticket out of town, that is.
Daniels is awful, take him out please.
He is doing a good job on Pierce, but someone tell him to stop shooting
Daniels is still a Celtic in disguise
Daniels is the new Gooden for this board, except he plays defense.
Funny thing is, 95% of us know we're still going to lose.
I'm not so sure about that. Boston will make a run but I'm gaining confidence.
Love Bass' game
Boston's role players suck.
Celtics look lost
Who is this team masquerading as the Celtics?
Don't know, but they're awfully late for Halloween Not that I’m complaining.
Jeff Green gets paid near 40 million dollars to do whatever he does.
I seriously can't believe how well we're playing right now. Twilight Zone ****
Man does Ellis suck.
Ellis is like Brandon Jennings... Only he isn't good at anything.
The Celtics deserve this for boring the **** out of me every time I watch them
Refs have been letting some stuff go tonight.
Dunleavy would've been amazing 40 years ago.
Garnett says "get that sh*t out of here" while down 19. What a beast.
KG is always talking massive **** to the smallest, whitest guy on the other team
The Lakers and Celtics are 0-2! The Mayans were right, the world is ending.
Pierce looked like he was walking in quicksand.