Charles Oakley rips Kevin Garnett and Kendrick Perkins

Garnett left Minnesota and hollered and screamed and all that but hes not a tough guy. He’s one of the weakest guys to ever play the game. He’s a complimentary player and went to Paul Pierce’s team and won a championship. I wouldn’t consider him a top 10 tough guy.
He’s just like Garnett. They holler and complain. If Kendrick Perkins would play basketball, Oklahoma City would win a championship the next 3 or 4 years…[He brings] Nothing [to the table]. That’s why he got dunked on and he got mad about someone tweeting about it, you’re a power forward, you don’t let guys dunk on you. I played 18, 19 years I got dunked on 3 times, you’re limited on offense do something on defense, get a rebound make some free throws.Sounds like a bitter old man to me. He also goes off on Charles Barkley for what it's worth. Jim Rome must have been loving it, since he's a certified dick himself. KG might be the most intense player to ever play the game. I don't know if he tries to portray himself as "tough" per se. I think he just tries to play hard and give his all. Calling him "one of the weakest guys to ever play the game" is simply laughable. And Perk might not be the most talented player, but one thing he is is tough. There's a reason teams he plays for have great records. Again, every time Oakley opens his mouth he comes off as a crabby, bitter old man.
Credit SportsTalkNetwork with the original find and quote transcripts.