Afternoon Delight: Did Baby Give Up Pancakes Or Spaghetti?

Glen Davis crashed Rondo's playground party yesterday and the word from the Boston media is that Baby looked "noticeably trimmer." Personally I don't see it in the picture evidence, but I guess we'll have to take their word. If you watched The Association you know Baby loves his pancakes and spaghetti. No way he's losing weight while still eating both. So did he give up pancakes, spaghetti, or both? What's your gut feeling (Get it?)? And if you could only have one which would you go with? 

In a related note, I had spaghetti for lunch today. In another related note, I think the C's should re-sign Davis. He's better than the flotsam of pathetic center options that will be available in free agency and we won't need to use the MLE on him. Is he perfect? Definitely not. Would I rather have Perkins? Of course. But we need someone to play big man minutes for us next season and he's the best realistic option out there for the Celtics.

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