Comments from the Other Side - Heat/Mavs BONUS 6/2
I thought Celtics fans could use a feel good story today so I combed the Heat boards for this special edition of Comments from the Other Side after their amazing meltdown last night. Enjoy....
Because of the format, they can't lose game 2. After that 3 straight games in Dallas? Gotta win this one big time.
I'm VERY concerned about this game...this has letdown written ALL OVER IT! Our guys are giving cocky interviews, the media thinks the series is over or will be over if we win tonight. Dirk is not hurt...that is the biggest LIE of NBA Finals history, he will light us up and get the fans behind their fallen hero. We need to go after their throats and spill their blood on the court! Hurt them, foul them hard, make them pay but do not play soft! This is it and we cannot let it slip. I do not see us beating Dallas in Dallas if we lose tonight.
I think we'll play better than last game and take this. Let's not suck.
By now, we should all have learned to never doubt this team. Sweep these fools.
Defend the 3 you morons! I can't wait for Bibby and Joel to get subbed out. Good riddance.
This game is already being reffed in the Mavs favor. You can bet that the NBA wants this series to go as long as possible
You could probably make a case for LeBron being one of the best shooters in the NBA now.
Someone foul Dirk hard on that damn hand!
Dirk has the most talked about finger in the history of man. I'm so damn sick of hearing about it!!!! Chop the damn thing off you big hairy fairy
It's unbelievable how many open 3s they give us. We've seen more in 1.25 games than we did in the entire Chi and Bos series combined
This is concerning considering were playing at home. Can you imagine what the calls will be like in Dallas?
How do they not give act of shooting on that?????? Huh??? This is rigged.
These refs are a joke. They are treating Wade and LBJ like they are 3-point specialists (I.e.: No FT's)
God between the blatant push off from Dirk to the non-foul on Terry I don't think anyone can complain about the refs giving Miami any home cooking. We can't buy a call right now
These refs were obviously paid off by Mark Cuban...
Bosh is playing like a Drag Queen!
Bosh sucks
Refs want us to lose.
This game is long over. David Stern decided this one before it started. We don't even have a shot.
Stop talking about the refs! We're the ones throwing this game away! Sporon and his sub patterns make no sense either!
And here come the make up calls..... Lol
Finally some ref love.
The refs remember that they're in Miami
Getting back into the game at the line, I love it.
I love how we're getting all these calls now.
LeBron is one of those players who don't get in foul trouble very often. Expect LeBron to play all the remaining minutes if it's still close
No foul??? Ref's are a JOKE!
Awesome! That's what I'm talking about. Dirk at least knew not to turn around and do a pirouette like KG.
Bibby back to being bibby... Killing our momentum
Chandler is KILLING Joel. Take him out NOW. He is KILLING our team
Chandler is drawing more fouls than anyone on our team
LeBron should never be allowed to take technical FT's. Never.
Joel is killing us...
Who the **** is guarding Marion? Lebron?
LBJ is getting abused by Marion.
A Heat player made 2 FT's in a row. Call the press!
Lol that was a gift of a call not gonna lie
Thank you Joel, get Marion and his retarded ass out of here.
Wade and Lebron are honoring Shaq with their FT shooting.
There is no way in hell the Mavs win this game.
Coincidentally he's been about as productive as Dirk.
I don't even know what to say. This is the best we've looked all season.
LOL wade trolling the Mavs bench so hard right there
15pt and destroy! Time to put it away!
We can't lose would be a huge momentum change for the series...
The crowd has sucked again tonight
How can we have that bad of a breakdown on D???? That's disgusting... Why are we doing this....
LeBron you f***ing idiot. Stop hogging the ball!
Did we just choke???????????
If we lose this game we're losing the series. This is pathetic.
F***, this team is so stupid at times.
It just baffles me that they keep going to Bosh considering how much the guy has sucked tonight. Makes absolutely no sense at all.
This is like a bad dream. We're in MAJOR TROUBLE.
Get the ball out of Brons hands
Lebron is singlehandedly losing this game for us
We just lost the series. F*** LeBron and Bosh.
LeBron has singlehandedly lost the game for us with his ball hogging.
Lebron has missed 4 straight shots trying to be the Hero.
LeBron and Bosh are f***ing a**holes. Thanks for costing us big time you d-bag's.
Wade needs to say **** and take the ball out of LeBron's hands, whats the point of being so selfish?
Game over, ive never seen anything like this. Just a disgusting choke job by our entire team and coaching staff. It all started when Haslem came in for Joel too.... Wow
I will never forgive LeBron and Wade for this.
Great shot from Chalmers. We deserve to lose this game.
Why the **** was Bosh on Dirk?
Well that sucked
*** everyone on this team not named Wade or Chalmers. Seriously, trade these sons of b****es in the off-season. They disgust me.
Bosh got worked. Bosh lost this for us, he was SO HORRIBLE
Damn what a collapse. Dallas did not deserve this win at all.
They are ripping lbj apart right now on NBA TV for the celebration. This dude is still immature, I thought he grew up
I hope next season we get whoever draws plays for the Celtics. If only we can play with half of that type of offense we wouldve been in good shape up 2-0.
**** you LeBron James. Thanks for the false hope.
Forget what he didn't do on offense, LeBron let Shawn Marion light his ass up on the other end all night long
We were doing fine till we decided to make LeBron feel good about himself and have him dribble out the clock every possession.
I've defended LeCON all season long, but this guy is a loser.Wade had it going, and he completely froze him out. Thanks a lot you d***head. Go back to Cleveland b****. Not only was he worthless on offense, Marion lit him up like a cigar.
And Bosh is a pansy. Losing the ball out of bounds, getting blocked, and airballing an open jumper. No wonder this loser never won in Toronto. I feel bad for Wade, playing with scum like this.
LeBron seemed out of it in the 4th.. I think he realized he wasn't going to win MVP and it affected his game.
The heat deserve all the back lash right now,prancing around like they won and then epically choke the game.
LeBron is a selfish jerk. Wade was on FIRE, and this moron kept hoisting his ugly a** jumpshot over and over again.
I don't care how many big shots LBJ has made for us in the playoff's. This is the Finals, and his true colors have shown. I wouldn't be surprised if he was jealous of Wade's performance. Bosh is a career loser, so I'm not really surprised. Trade him to the WNBA for cap relief. Scumbag.
Shaq said he was pulling for us. I blame this on Shaq!
i'm so embarrassed right now. don't think i would go to nba forum till the next heat win
We looked like the 06 Mavs lulz. Can someone explain to me why Wade shot a 3 when the game was tied?
this is lebron and bosh's fault. lebron kept hogging the ball and bosh completely disappeared. i don't feel too confident right now. Mavs have all the momentum going back to Dallas
this game falls squarely on wade and lebron. Up 15 with 6 minutes left and they attacked the paint only one more time the whole rest of the game. Wade and Lebron settled for fade away after fade away like little *****es.
For real guys, can someone explain to me why did we start playing like a JV team with the school janitor as a coach?
Miami was handicapped at the first half. 22 minutes and no fouls on the Mavs despite constantly attacking the paint. I wanna see other teams overcome that. That's a Miami HEAT special right there.
I also feel though that the refs are missing some calls. Wade and James were driving to the rim like crazy and didn't really get to the line that much. Love how people complain the refs are helping us when we win but when we lose the refs do a great job.
I know the fouls were not great..... but that is not the reason AT all why we lost. First we missed a lot of FTs to begin with, then we blew and totally blew a 15 point lead because we thought we already won. This turned from a great performance by Wade to a great collapse by Wade/Bosh and Lebron.
Hard to recover from that monumental collapse. The Heat celebrated too early and might have given away the Finals. Home court - lost. Momentum - lost. Dallas will have all guns firing when they go home. This was an epic failure.
You have faith down 3-2 in a team that just flat out quit in one of the biggest games of their lives? i sure as hell dont.
And why didn't we take the foul before Dirk schooled Bosh?
Spo wont take it.... Remember last year against Boston? He let Pierce hit the winner.
They were dancing in front of the Mavericks bench with 7:15 left to play... ...Dallas then punches them in the gut on a 22-5 run to finish the game
Spo is an idiot ...but if you need someone to pick up sandwiches or dry cleaning - he's the man!
The HEAT spent most of the second half painting the Mona Lisa, only to have Roseanne Barr drop her pants and take a dump on the canvass with five minutes left to play.
This is exactly how I felt after the game
Because of the format, they can't lose game 2. After that 3 straight games in Dallas? Gotta win this one big time.
I'm VERY concerned about this game...this has letdown written ALL OVER IT! Our guys are giving cocky interviews, the media thinks the series is over or will be over if we win tonight. Dirk is not hurt...that is the biggest LIE of NBA Finals history, he will light us up and get the fans behind their fallen hero. We need to go after their throats and spill their blood on the court! Hurt them, foul them hard, make them pay but do not play soft! This is it and we cannot let it slip. I do not see us beating Dallas in Dallas if we lose tonight.
I think we'll play better than last game and take this. Let's not suck.
By now, we should all have learned to never doubt this team. Sweep these fools.
Defend the 3 you morons! I can't wait for Bibby and Joel to get subbed out. Good riddance.
This game is already being reffed in the Mavs favor. You can bet that the NBA wants this series to go as long as possible
You could probably make a case for LeBron being one of the best shooters in the NBA now.
Someone foul Dirk hard on that damn hand!
Dirk has the most talked about finger in the history of man. I'm so damn sick of hearing about it!!!! Chop the damn thing off you big hairy fairy
It's unbelievable how many open 3s they give us. We've seen more in 1.25 games than we did in the entire Chi and Bos series combined
This is concerning considering were playing at home. Can you imagine what the calls will be like in Dallas?
How do they not give act of shooting on that?????? Huh??? This is rigged.
These refs are a joke. They are treating Wade and LBJ like they are 3-point specialists (I.e.: No FT's)
God between the blatant push off from Dirk to the non-foul on Terry I don't think anyone can complain about the refs giving Miami any home cooking. We can't buy a call right now
These refs were obviously paid off by Mark Cuban...
Bosh is playing like a Drag Queen!
Bosh sucks
Refs want us to lose.
This game is long over. David Stern decided this one before it started. We don't even have a shot.
Stop talking about the refs! We're the ones throwing this game away! Sporon and his sub patterns make no sense either!
And here come the make up calls..... Lol
Finally some ref love.
The refs remember that they're in Miami
Getting back into the game at the line, I love it.
I love how we're getting all these calls now.
LeBron is one of those players who don't get in foul trouble very often. Expect LeBron to play all the remaining minutes if it's still close
No foul??? Ref's are a JOKE!
Awesome! That's what I'm talking about. Dirk at least knew not to turn around and do a pirouette like KG.
Bibby back to being bibby... Killing our momentum
Chandler is KILLING Joel. Take him out NOW. He is KILLING our team
Chandler is drawing more fouls than anyone on our team
LeBron should never be allowed to take technical FT's. Never.
Joel is killing us...
Who the **** is guarding Marion? Lebron?
LBJ is getting abused by Marion.
A Heat player made 2 FT's in a row. Call the press!
Lol that was a gift of a call not gonna lie
Thank you Joel, get Marion and his retarded ass out of here.
Wade and Lebron are honoring Shaq with their FT shooting.
There is no way in hell the Mavs win this game.
Coincidentally he's been about as productive as Dirk.
I don't even know what to say. This is the best we've looked all season.
LOL wade trolling the Mavs bench so hard right there
15pt and destroy! Time to put it away!
We can't lose would be a huge momentum change for the series...
The crowd has sucked again tonight
How can we have that bad of a breakdown on D???? That's disgusting... Why are we doing this....
LeBron you f***ing idiot. Stop hogging the ball!
Did we just choke???????????
If we lose this game we're losing the series. This is pathetic.
F***, this team is so stupid at times.
It just baffles me that they keep going to Bosh considering how much the guy has sucked tonight. Makes absolutely no sense at all.
This is like a bad dream. We're in MAJOR TROUBLE.
Get the ball out of Brons hands
Lebron is singlehandedly losing this game for us
We just lost the series. F*** LeBron and Bosh.
LeBron has singlehandedly lost the game for us with his ball hogging.
Lebron has missed 4 straight shots trying to be the Hero.
LeBron and Bosh are f***ing a**holes. Thanks for costing us big time you d-bag's.
Wade needs to say **** and take the ball out of LeBron's hands, whats the point of being so selfish?
Game over, ive never seen anything like this. Just a disgusting choke job by our entire team and coaching staff. It all started when Haslem came in for Joel too.... Wow
I will never forgive LeBron and Wade for this.
Great shot from Chalmers. We deserve to lose this game.
Why the **** was Bosh on Dirk?
Well that sucked
*** everyone on this team not named Wade or Chalmers. Seriously, trade these sons of b****es in the off-season. They disgust me.
Bosh got worked. Bosh lost this for us, he was SO HORRIBLE
Damn what a collapse. Dallas did not deserve this win at all.
They are ripping lbj apart right now on NBA TV for the celebration. This dude is still immature, I thought he grew up
I hope next season we get whoever draws plays for the Celtics. If only we can play with half of that type of offense we wouldve been in good shape up 2-0.
**** you LeBron James. Thanks for the false hope.
Forget what he didn't do on offense, LeBron let Shawn Marion light his ass up on the other end all night long
We were doing fine till we decided to make LeBron feel good about himself and have him dribble out the clock every possession.
I've defended LeCON all season long, but this guy is a loser.Wade had it going, and he completely froze him out. Thanks a lot you d***head. Go back to Cleveland b****. Not only was he worthless on offense, Marion lit him up like a cigar.
And Bosh is a pansy. Losing the ball out of bounds, getting blocked, and airballing an open jumper. No wonder this loser never won in Toronto. I feel bad for Wade, playing with scum like this.
LeBron seemed out of it in the 4th.. I think he realized he wasn't going to win MVP and it affected his game.
The heat deserve all the back lash right now,prancing around like they won and then epically choke the game.
LeBron is a selfish jerk. Wade was on FIRE, and this moron kept hoisting his ugly a** jumpshot over and over again.
I don't care how many big shots LBJ has made for us in the playoff's. This is the Finals, and his true colors have shown. I wouldn't be surprised if he was jealous of Wade's performance. Bosh is a career loser, so I'm not really surprised. Trade him to the WNBA for cap relief. Scumbag.
Shaq said he was pulling for us. I blame this on Shaq!
i'm so embarrassed right now. don't think i would go to nba forum till the next heat win
We looked like the 06 Mavs lulz. Can someone explain to me why Wade shot a 3 when the game was tied?
this is lebron and bosh's fault. lebron kept hogging the ball and bosh completely disappeared. i don't feel too confident right now. Mavs have all the momentum going back to Dallas
this game falls squarely on wade and lebron. Up 15 with 6 minutes left and they attacked the paint only one more time the whole rest of the game. Wade and Lebron settled for fade away after fade away like little *****es.
For real guys, can someone explain to me why did we start playing like a JV team with the school janitor as a coach?
Miami was handicapped at the first half. 22 minutes and no fouls on the Mavs despite constantly attacking the paint. I wanna see other teams overcome that. That's a Miami HEAT special right there.
I also feel though that the refs are missing some calls. Wade and James were driving to the rim like crazy and didn't really get to the line that much. Love how people complain the refs are helping us when we win but when we lose the refs do a great job.
I know the fouls were not great..... but that is not the reason AT all why we lost. First we missed a lot of FTs to begin with, then we blew and totally blew a 15 point lead because we thought we already won. This turned from a great performance by Wade to a great collapse by Wade/Bosh and Lebron.
Hard to recover from that monumental collapse. The Heat celebrated too early and might have given away the Finals. Home court - lost. Momentum - lost. Dallas will have all guns firing when they go home. This was an epic failure.
You have faith down 3-2 in a team that just flat out quit in one of the biggest games of their lives? i sure as hell dont.
And why didn't we take the foul before Dirk schooled Bosh?
Spo wont take it.... Remember last year against Boston? He let Pierce hit the winner.
They were dancing in front of the Mavericks bench with 7:15 left to play... ...Dallas then punches them in the gut on a 22-5 run to finish the game
Spo is an idiot ...but if you need someone to pick up sandwiches or dry cleaning - he's the man!
The HEAT spent most of the second half painting the Mona Lisa, only to have Roseanne Barr drop her pants and take a dump on the canvass with five minutes left to play.
This is exactly how I felt after the game