Welcome back TA, from your fans over at CelticsLife!
Well understand this dear reader, TA CAN PLAY, AND HE WILL PROVE IT, TO YOUR FACE.
While I have had to educate other basketball fans on Tony's abilities, (including some of the CelticsLife staff...), I have had to be patient. He is not a superstar, he makes mistakes, but when he is healthy, he can be quite impressive. See below: (Press HQ)
Watch that video again...
Ok, now how sick was that? I mean, clearly House deserves a ton of credit for starting that play and making the perfect and very difficult pass, but wow. Tony Allen is dead serious right there. Anyways, he has a jump shot, his defense is very good, he is agile, and he rivals Death Race 2000 in aggressive driving. While this article may seem to be in response to a above-average game from Tony Allen, I have always been a fan of him, obviously, and was glad when I heard that he was able to fill in for fellow swingman Nasty Daniels. Hopefully he keeps the pedal to the metal (figuratively speaking, Tony).