Big Baby; Future NFL Star?
There's no crying in football!
"When I become an All-Star in the NBA, when I become a great player in the NBA, then I'll try football. One of my dreams has always been to play football."When I first read about Big Baby's desire to be a future NFL star, I laughed out loud for a few minutes. Then I got to thinking, why couldn't he make it in the NFL? Here is a 6"9 290 pound former high school football star, that is athletic enough to play big minutes for a championship basketball team, and has great hands. He needs to get a new nickname if he is going to make it in the NFL though. Ray Lewis and company aren't going to give much respect to a guy named Big Baby.
My only concern is that he wants to make an NBA All Star team first. This clearly won't happen if he stays with the Celtics, so he may have to go to the Bobcats, or some other team where he can get big minutes. Judging from the incident with his friend the other week, he already has the ability to hurt people. I've always thought it is probably easier to transition from basketball to football than vice versa, simply because of the rules of the game. It's a lot easier to teach yourself to tackle someone, than teaching yourself NOT to tackle someone. Think of Big Baby as a fullback or tight end. How would you stop that guy in the Redzone?
In all seriousness, Big Baby is best served to concentrate on his current profession. He has a lot of potential, but is still very raw and immature. Plus, you really do have to be insane to play professional football. The violence and punishment your body endures is unbelievable. Except of course if you are a punter, in which case that is the greatest job in sports. Can't wait for Nasty Nash vs. Rondo tonight!