Jaylen Brown's nebulous tweet has little to do with Jimmy Butler and Jabari Bird

It has become very obvious to me that we have at least two unique characters on our Celtics team. They like to play with our minds, and I really like that. We know about Kyrie Irvings's theory of the shape of the earth, now we have to decipher the meanings of Jaylen Brown's nebulous (keeping the astronomical link) tweets.

At the basic level, no mystery at all. Sugar content increases as fruit ripens - fruit gets sweeter. But what does Jaylen mean by it. Still not a problem. A patient man that waits for the fruit to ripen eats a sweeter version. The same holds for life in general. Be patient and wait for the reward, which in the end may be much greater than would be achieved by rushing the road to success. There are few things more tragic that the high school star athlete that never moves onto to bigger things after graduation. Read John Updike's Rabbit, Run as a prime example.

Still with me? WEEI Radio's Josue Pavon broached the possibility of Brown's message being focused not only to himself, but also to Jimmy Butler and Jabari Bird. Butler is in the middle of a bold attempt to get traded from the Minnesota Timberwolves, and Bird is facing very serious felony charges.

I don't agree. Jaylen is simply telling himself to work hard - be patient - and stardom and success in diverse endeavors will follow - in time. The toughest things to deal with are success and failure. Achieve maximum success too soon, and what do you do as an encore. Never succeed and mentally beat yourself up for the continued failure. Lessons in life - and in the sweetness of fruit. What time does Celtics Media Day start?

Follow Tom at @TomLaneHC

Photo via Henry Zhu