Videos: Was IT's attitude behind the Cavs' recent moves?

Few examples of a harder, more painful fall from glory can be pointed to in NBA lore than that of Isaiah Thomas.

Rightfully salty about the hand he'd been dealt, he simply didn't mesh on a Cleveland Cavaliers squad undergoing stress long before he even showed up. Salt, however, is what the Romans sowed in the fields of their defeated enemies, and yet you'll also die without it.

The key is getting the balance right - so was it IT's saltiness, rot from within, or the surprising record of the Boston Celtics that led to the Cavs' massive overhaul of their roster at the deadline, of which Thomas was a part? Watch the videos above and below to hear some informed opinions om these issues, and let us know if you're buying it in the comments.

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Image: Jason Miller/Getty
Video: NBC Boston
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