30 Years in 30 Days: Day 3- The Draft

Today marks the 30th anniversary to the day of the 1986 NBA draft and the Celtics selecting Len.  Have you ever seen the footage?  A must-watch for any fan:

Red's euphoric state is a prequel of what's to come for tomorrow's article and I'll discuss his close-knit relationship with Len in much more detail.   Hearing Red say how "high" the Celtics organization is on Len is unsettling.  Also the way Len ends the interview with Rick Barry with an almost pensive look, is a bit strange. 

What emotions from the video particularly grab you?  Sound off below.

3 Seasons Before: 1983-84, Celtics win NBA championship
3 Seasons After: 1988-89, Celtics lose in first round of Eastern conference playoffs

Index of 30 Years in 30 Days articles